Taking Care of It, and by It, I Mean Me.

So for those of you who read faithfully, you know I missed writing last week. And this is because on that Sunday, life hit me like a freaking truck. Much like that scene in Pet Semetary, when that little boy was hit by a truck. Except, in my case, all that was left was a blood filled stiletto instead of a tiny sneaker. Anyway, dark, but appropriate. Happy Kalie vs. Depressed Kalie And frankly, I should have known that it was coming, since my post two weeks ago was about being so happy. My life hasn't changed that much in that time. Things are still good. But like the seasons of life, depression also comes in waves. And I should maybe expect to experience lows after high highs. Yay, Persistent Depressive Disorder! Anyway, all that being said, once I identified that I was experiencing a depressive slump, I leapt into action. Well...not really leapt, because I was depressed, but like I forced myse...